Resources and Publications
Patient/Physician Grievance Program
The CCMS Grievance Committee helps patients and members resolve misunderstandings and communication difficulties. This valuable service assists patients and physicians in settling disputes as an alternative to the patient seeking resolution within the legal system. Email us for more information.
Speakers Bureau
Physicians who participate in the Speakers BureauTM are able to offer you presentations, seminars and lectures on a variety of health topics. These presentations are interesting, informative and present current information and issues of concern to those interested in promoting good health. Our speakers are available to speak to your group meeting at lunchtime or dinner engagements or at other times by arrangement. Give your organization the best physician speakers in Collier County. All speakers are members of CCMS. There is no charge for this service. Email us for details.
RX Card & PLAN
Physician Led Access Network (PLAN) brings prescription savings at no cost to you. Just call 239-776-3016 to collect your card or Click here to download and print your card. PLAN can also help provide free medical care to qualified low-income, uninsured Collier County residents.
CCMS Publications
Underwriting our publications is open to members and businesses who wish to reach physicians, their staff, their families, and their patients. Your participation helps the Medical Society continue to promote quality healthcare in our community. Discover all our advertising opportunities and rates: CCMS Marketing Brochure.
Elert Newsletter
The CCMS bi-weekly enewsletter, Elert, contains timely member news and healthcare information for physicians and their office managers. Read the latest issue.
Physician Directory
CCMS publishes a printed Annual Physician Directory every fall. This convenient booklet lists the most current practice information and photograph of each member. The Directory is available to the public by request through our main office, physician members’ practices, with additional copies available at all area hospitals, select clinics, Chamber of Commerce locations, and libraries. Limited quantities are printed and therefore we encourage the public to use our online Find a Doctor feature.
The Forum Magazine
CCMS publishes The Forum, a magazine for physician members, six times a year.